This index lists leading 'Brand Names' of the professional Hair and Beauty industries and the companies that distribute them, arranged alphabetically by the first letter of each brand name. Also listed is the relevant Website address for each brand. All information has been supplied by the companies concerned. While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy of information, no responsibility will be accepted for any errors or omissions.

Jean Paul Myne

Made in Italy. Organic Ingredients. World leaders in straightening, smoothing, anti-frizz systems. Distributed by: Euro Salon Supplies



There’s nothing in the world like the beauty of healthy hair. Its vitality, color, and shine light up a room and lift the spirit. Joico has a name for this remarkable energy. We call it “Joi”. Joi is at the heart of everything we do. Our salon innovations are designed to return hair to its strongest, shiniest, healthiest state with...



Jojoba is at the heart of our entire skincare range.  Naturally rich in skin healing vitamins A, D & E, omegas 6 & 9 and antioxidants, it matches the skin’s natural oils and acts as a carrier to other active ingredients. A combination of pure and natural ingredients are hand selected for their remarkable properties to work in perfect harmony...